提防LED十万小时使用寿命之说- LED vs Cold Cathode
作者:Dan Watt


但事实并非如此… 一颗抗UV环氧树脂5mm LED 二极管灯在全电流和高温下工作,在一千小时内它的光输出将会缩减一半... 在建筑照明的应用上,工程维护和能源成本为最关键的因素,因此使用冷阴极管仍是最理想的选择。

让我们以典型的白色LED与直径25mm暖白色冷极管在常规照明应用的情况下做个比较, 下图即为我们展示实验得出的二者的表现。


Best Supply Ltd. HK


冷阴极管已是很成熟和被技术得到证实有很多优点的产品, 因此当我们把所有关键问题都整合在一起考虑,并需要在两者间做个选择的话,很明显地,冷阴极管仍然能提供比LED更多的好处。

注:本文借鉴 Dan Watt先生相关观点和言论
Dan Watts 是美国一名灯光技术顾问和电路设计工程师,拥有50多年电气工程经验。主要专注于灯光行业应用的电源设计,曾在着名的Micro Lamps公司(高级LED及灯光材料供应商)担任3年技术总裁,常被受邀于全美各重大灯光会议上演讲。


LED vs. Cold Cathode -Beware of the 100,000 hour LED myth

Every time you see anything regarding LEDs, it is always stated that they have a 100,000 hour life expectancy. This implies that you can just install them and forget about them for more than 11 years of continuous use. This claim is so common that most people have come to accept it as hard fact.
The reality is quite different… A 5mm epoxy UV LED working at full current and an elevated tem-perature, may have its output decreased to 50% in less than 1,000 hours… In architectural lighting applications, where maintenance and energy costs are important, a superior choice is still Cold Cathode lamps.
Let’s compare typical white LEDs with 25m diameter warm white Cold Cathode lamps for general illumination applications. The table below shows the typical performance ranges for both.


LEDs are here to stay for specialty lighting applications, but are not necessarily the best answer to most lighting needs. When looking at a data sheet or specifications for LEDs, what is left out can be more important than what is put in. Do your homework carefully.
Cold Cathode lamps are a mature, proven technology with many benefits. When all key issues are taken into account, it is clear that Cold Cathode lamps still have much to offer over LEDs.

Source: Dan Watts
Mr Watts is an independent technical consultant and circuit design engineer. He has over 50 years of electrical engineering experience. Much of his design work has focused on power supplies and ballast design for the lighting industry. He served as Director of Engineering for three years at Micro Lamps Inc., a supplier of premium LEDs and other light sources. He has presented numerous papers at na-tional lighting conferences.


冷阴极管与LED用于灯槽的比较, 作者:Luc Steegmans


LED在这几年间被应用于很多领域和项目中,它无疑是槽型字、广告牌、家具装饰、自动售卖机以至扶手电梯装饰等之最佳光源,但这些对光的强度和色彩渲染的要求都不大,然而这两点却为暗槽灯/天花照明(Cove Lighting) 所产生的氛围环境的灯光效果之关键因素。

暗槽灯的灯光应该是高亮光且介乎在色温2400K 至 3000K之间。若使用冷阴极管,能产生甚至超过灯管本身长度的高亮光。由于光线均匀分布于灯管表面每处,将不会有任何黑点出现在灯光所照附近。所以如果使冷极管贴合天花的话,整个天花会被很均匀地照亮;如果想效果更佳,你可在暗槽内涂上金漆,这反射的灯光会使装饰效果更金壁辉煌。



最后关于保养维护方面,根据30年来的实践经验证明,作为天花暗槽灯照明光源的冷阴极管可以在极少的维护下维持使用很长时间,10年不间断的工作运行也是很普通正常的。但LED的真实平均使用寿命,那就只有未来才能知道了。 虽然它被应用在装饰照明方面才不过四年左右的时间但已出现很多显着的失败事故, 这大概是因为暗槽内的高温对LED的稳定性造成影响。在不能降温的情况下工作对LED来说是非常不利的,而冷阴极管就不会受高温影响。


注:本文借鉴Luc Steegmans乐思迪文先生相关观点和言论
Luc Steegmans 是一位认证电力工程师,现任欧洲标识联盟(ESF (www.eu-signs.org)的主席并曾担任过该协会的技术委员会主席数年,也是其他不同协会的技术顾问;他是比利时Elbo Signs and Technology nv标识公司的总裁,与众多国际标识公司合作,项目遍布全球75个国家。



Cold cathode lighting vs led lighting with coves- by Luc Steegmans

In recent years leds have been successfully used in many applications. It has been a suitable solution from channel letters, decorative lighting inside furniture, soft drink vending machines to escalators.
These are typical applications where light intensity and color rendering seem less important. With cove lighting however these are the two key factors to create the right ambient atmosphere.

Cove light should be intense, and the color should be between 2400°K to 3000°K.? With cold cathode lighting a very intense light can be generated, completely even over the length of the tube(s).? Because the light is evenly generated on every part of the tube surface there won’t be any dark spots on the nearby ceiling so if the tubes were well tailored the ceiling will be illuminated evenly. Light that is not directly projected on the ceiling will be reflected by the cove which gives another possibility to add some impression of gold light by painting the inside of the cove in gold.

With the actual state of development of led it is difficult to have evenly illuminated coves, as these are usually shallow and near the ceiling, in other words there is not enough distance to spread the light from the bright light spots into an evenly illuminated surface.? The light from leds is by definition directional light, generated in a tiny point, and any object that will be in between the light source and the wall will result in a dark shadow on the wall or ceiling.? Of course one can increase the number of led modules per meter, but this will not completely remedy dark spots. Also, in terms of energy, for a similar light intensity from cove lighting cold cathode outperforms led.

Color temperature, especially in the 2400°K to 3000°K range is very difficult to achieve with leds. One should realize that for a given color temperature there can be various spots in the color triangle that correspond with that figure but these do not necessarily create the same feeling. This is much more under control with cold cathode lighting.

Lastly, in terms of maintenance, more than 30 years of experience have proven that cove lighting with cold cathode can last many years with minimal maintenance. 10 years of 24/7 operation is rather common. With led only the future will tell us what the real life expectancy is. Though in this kind of application led is only used since about four years we can only notice the failures.
Probably much of this is due to the higher ambient temperature in the cove, as warm air raises. Lack of cooling is detrimental to leds but does not affect cold cathode lighting.

If cove lighting is the main light source in a room then it is necessary to have enough light, with the right color temperature and with little maintenance. At this moment cold cathode lighting can deliver that, rather than led.

Source: Luc Steegmans
Luc Steegmans is President of the European Sign Federation (ESF, www.eu-signs.org)and has been Chairman of the Technical Committee of ESF for several years. He is a certified electric engineer and owner of a sign company in Belgium(www.elbosigns.com), cooperating with international sign companies in global rebrandings, covering more than 75 countries worldwide. He is technical consultant to various organizations.

Cold Cathode Lighting


若把飞利浦灯管换成美国EGL冷阴极管则每平米节约电量49W(145W - 96W = 49W),若一个交通银行的大型灯箱面积为400平米,可以节省电量19.6KW,即19.6度电。
LED产品虽然运行功率小,但由于其光衰快,单价比日光灯和冷阴极管高,在整个寿命使用周期内,要达到同样光效,其投入的费用并不比冷阴极管低。以广州知名shopping mall万菱汇为例,原本建筑师的计划是在塔楼使用36×3W的大功率LED洗墙灯照明,但通过灯光设计师及各方商议和测验,最终采用了进口混色冷极管灯具。既有不逊于LED丰富的色彩变化,又有冷极管特有的5万小时长寿性和不惧高空户外恶劣气候条件的耐候性,同时,还有相对大功率防水LED洗墙灯更经济的造价(相比原计划LED洗墙灯,节省费用上百万)。

RGB Cold Cathode - One Link Walk  Plaza Guangzhou

美国EGL冷阴极管的使用寿命平均可达30000小时,最高可达50000小时,在整个使用寿命周期内光衰小。日光灯最高只能达到 50000小时。
LED光源在推出初期号称使用寿命可达100000小时,但实际上随着现在LED开始广泛用于室外和室内的照明之后,尤其是大功率的LED灯具,其功率大、发热高、工作时间长,寿命问题就十分突出。 过去认为LED寿命一定就是10万小时的神话在现实面前无情地破灭了。很多LED厂家和供应商给客户的承诺通常是1~3年内失效, 可以100%无条件更换。10万小时在业内人士心里心照不宣:其实仅仅是一个行业为了推广产品的广告需要而已,不能太当真。

LED dots problem



Florescent Lamp problem


冷阴极管实用于室内外装饰照明,输出功率小、省电、经济,能做到舒适、优雅, 光暗对比效果鲜明,更可配合 特定电脑控制系统做出数百种颜色变化。冷阴极管,管长可达3米,更有效提高了冷阴极管与冷阴极管之间的连续性, 减少了暗点,以达到高亮度和美观的效果,其发光明亮、柔和、不刺眼,穿透力强且分布均匀,在雾天其光彩依旧清晰可见。

※ 冷极管最长寿命50000小时
※ 能产生一般灯具不能达到的照明效果
※ 可用于高难度的轮廓投光照明工程项目
※ 冷阴极管系统光输最高达1500流明
※ 冷阴极管能根据工程需要制成不同的长度和一定的形状
※ 冷阴极管是制造灯光效果的最佳灯具,没有闪动高热和辐射性等危害
※ 冷阴极管能美化夜景,达到流光溢彩的现代都市景观
※ 利用控制调光器极容易配合建筑调节光暗
※ 具有极微的距离在照亮之间没有影子
※ 冷阴极管发出的灯光穿透力强且分布均匀
※ 可做超薄(最小可达8cm)灯箱的内打灯
※ 通过适当的颜色配合和设计能形成无数种灯光的颜色

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以上文章由比诚广告材料有限公司(Best Supply Ltd.)提供,www.bestsupply.com.hk, tel:021-50596271比诚广告为一进口欧美灯光材料之供应商,主销产品包括:意大利SIET高压变压器、EGL冷阴极管、意大利TECNOLUX冷极管及电子转换器、德国HANSEN LED及电子转换器。

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